Monday, July 1, 2013

We have a date!


Hello my lovely readers! I have some good news and some bad news, but first I would like to start out by saying this is going to be a busy week. I have 3 more doctors appointments to attend this week in addition to the one that I went to this morning.

I shall start with the good news which I have been holding in all day (it was so hard for me to refrain posting it on Facebook.) I saw a new doctor today for my shoulder. I had a hard time finding his office because I was not expecting it to be in an old house that was converted into a doctors office. There was no parking but luckily after driving around, I saw someone leave then stole their spot. I was a little skeptical at first about how well this appointment was going to go from the patients I saw in the waiting room. I filled out an ungodly amount of paperwork (like 10 pages basically repeating the same questions) and was surprised by some of the questions. I was taken back fairly quickly after filling out all my paper work and had x-rays of my shoulder and neck taken. They did not put that lead shield over my reproductive organs (I am bound to get ovarian cancer one day due to this.) I was then taken into a room. The doctor came in and we talked. He said he could do a cortisone shot but since I have metabolic issues that go haywire when I get steroid injections I said lets just skip all the nonsense today. Since we skipped that and moved on to why I was there (to get my shoulder fixed) he agreed that something should be done. His opinion is that I have an impingement due to torn cartilage from the car accident. So what is going to be done about this you ask? He is going to scope my shoulder July 26th and clean up all torn cartilage and repair any torn ligaments and if needed he will open me up completely and put pins in to stabilize my shoulder! Fun stuff right there. Now why couldn't "Memphis's best orthopedic group" agree to something like this and why did it take them 8 months for them to say no surgery? Who knows. I do have some complaints about this office though. Numerous times random staff members walked into the office without knocking to look in the cabinets for supplies they ran out of in other rooms. This could be fixed though.

Fire place in the waiting room.
TV over the mantel.
Nice short exam table.
Granite counter tops. OOOh.

Now you are probably wondering what the bad news is since I have a surgery date. Well here it goes. I was supposed to see "Memphis's best orthopedic group" for my knee tomorrow. Surgery was scheduled then cancelled by another doctor because he doesn't operate at hospitals. So went to see a new surgeon. He seemed eager to do surgery and I had hope that he would because after all I have let him operate on me before, but he called today and cancelled by appointment. He said that he called the first surgeon and after talking to him about the procedure he was going to do, he realized that he is not a skilled enough surgeon to do the surgery (after all he is only a sports medicine doctor.) At least the man was honest about his capabilities. He then recommended that I see yet another surgeon. And guess who he recommended! If you guessed the surgeon who said he wouldn't do my shoulder sugery because 70 percent success ratings aren't good enough for him then you guessed correctly! If not then nice try anyways. So I will be seeing yet another new surgeon next week for my knee. In the mean time I have other appointments to attend to with various other problems.

Over-all, I am content with today's doctors adventures.

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