Monday, July 15, 2013

Things Just Are Not Working Out


OK first an update from last week. I went to a new knee surgeon. He agreed to do the knee surgery but no until my shoulder is fixed and stabilized. So no knee surgery for a good 6months or longer. I understand his concerns but this is getting ridiculous.

I also got a call last week from my cardiologist and the test results are in. My parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous systems are out of sync. This is causing the fainting. Started some new meds and now I am wearing a heart monitor for 2 weeks.

Today: went to see the surgeon for pre-testing stuff. The nurse comes in and says the surgery hasn't been approved by insurance yet. I tell her that insurance has denied my surgery. It was news to her and she was shocked that I knew before she did (shows how well they do their job.) The doctor came in and said that I will have to go through another month of therapy and have yet another steroid injection before he will call the insurance company and try again to be approved for surgery. I asked why he couldn't just pick up the phone and call them and he said that's not how it works (even though the insurance company said they just need proof that I need the surgery since the mri says nothing). He leaves the room and when he comes back I tell him to talk to my mom and hand my mom the phone. She explains to him why I cant have steroid shots (they are the reason why I'm wearing this heart monitor and my nervous system is all screwed up.) He then agrees to call the insurance company. But he is pissed that things didn't go his way. Thanks mom (I know you're reading so Hi!) but it probably saved my life (I'm bound to have a stroke the next time I have a steroid injection.) So for now, who knows if I will be having surgery next Friday. I doubt it but you never know. All those prayers that people say that are going to say for me might actually work. (maybe yall can start praying harder or saying more specific prayers? Or try praying to a list of patron saints I will post below)

St. Catherine of Siena - my patron saint
St. Jude - patron saint of difficult situations
St. Germaine - patron saint of disabled persons
St. Luke - patron saint of physicians
St. John of God - patron saint of the sick
Sts. Cosmas and Damian - patron saints of surgerons

The list of saints goes on but those I think are the main ones to pray to in this situation. I usually am not one to turn to God in a medical situation because of how my scientific mind works but I really need a miracle or just some good luck.

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